The Course
We have successfully trained 35 teachers, who have all been awarded certificates from the International Yoga Network. The classes are small and intimate with the fundamental sessions taking place on one Sunday in the month with an intense residential week on the Island of Naxos in Greece. Price is currently £1900 payable in 5 installments of £380.
The following slideshow from last year will give you an excellent impression of what takes place on the residential along with the course details that follow. For further information, please contact Elvira for a personal interview.
Course Details
500 hours divided into:
188 study hours
9 X 8 hour training session 0900 > 1700 twice a month
Intensive Residential in Greece
3 hours per week Yoga practice.
Course Schedule
Module 1 – Ethics, Safety, Cosmic Evolution, Shakti/Shiva
Module 2 – Chakras, Paths of Yoga
Module 3 – The 3 Bodies and 5 Koshas, Nadis
Module 4 – The Pranas
Module 5 – 8 Limbs of Yoga
Module 6 – 8 Limbs of Yoga
Module 7, 8, 9 – Residential teaching practice
Module 10 – 8 Limbs of Yoga
Module 11 – Practice
Module 12 – Practice
Final Exams
Course Philosophy
Beyond the understanding of the physical aspect of Yoga is a spiritual pathway that leads to a deeper connection with the universe.
Our fundamental focus in this course is to provide an atmosphere of trust and support that opens that pathway and releases your true potential.
The goal is to enable you to become a Yoga teacher capable of inspiring others to follow a path of thoughtful enlightenment.
Course Requirements
Letter of recommendation from your existing Yoga teacher 300 word essay explaining your reasons for enrolment Completed enrolment form First deposit
World wide recognition as a certified Yoga teacher by the International Yoga Network, which entitles you to the use of the IYN logo on all literature, enrolment of the IYN register and acceptance onto the REP registrar of teachers, required by most health clubs as prelude to employment.